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Products designed with conservation in mind.

The following products below are here for you to help you with all of your conservation needs. 


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Rain Barrel



Product Info:

Rain Barrels come in Terra Cotta and Black


A simple, low-cost method for homeowners to collect & re-cycle rain water.


Collecting mineral rich, chlorine free rain that falls on your roof will improve your garden, houseplants and reduce your water bill!


Collecting rain in Rain Gardens and Rain Barrels reduces stormwater runoff and can have a dramatic impact on water quality in our rivers and streams and will help reduce flooding.


Our Rain Barrels are sealed - safe around children and insect resistant. A hose spigot on the front makes the captured rain water available and convenient.


The 55 gallon barrel will fill with less than 1/10" rainfall draining from a 1000 square foot surface (roof). The barrels have a twist off lid for easy cleaning. Optional downspout Diverter Kits are also available to protect your landscape/foundation from overflow.


Rain Barrels can be picked up Monday thru Friday, 8-4:30 pm


Contact the SWCD at (815) 462-3106 ext. 3 for more information.


Click Here for Product Manufacturer Information


Click Here for more information on Joliet Subsidized Rain Barrel Event





Product Info:

Made from a black, 55 gallon food grade plastic barrel.


Composting is an effective way to recycle yard waste and can be done at home.


It is an easy way to reduce the amount of household garbage by about one third and at the same time produce a valuable soil amendment for use in gardening and landscaping.

With little more than fallen leaves and kitchen scraps you can make dark, humus-rich compost to add to your house plants and garden.

Pick yours up at the SWCD or call (815) 462-3106 ext. 3 for more information.

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Geographical Information System (GIS) Maps are available with Topographic, Aerial, Soils and FEMA information. 


Requests should be made in advance. 


To order, or for more information contact the SWCD Office at (815)462.3106 ext 3.



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Aerial Photo




The SWCD has a variety of Historical Aerial Photography on file with viewing, copying and delivery options available to meet your needs.


Click Here for aerial photo and digital slide request form




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Soil Testing Services




Don't Guess, Get a Soil Test.


The Will-South Cook SWCD is offering a low-cost soil testing program to help residents make informed decisions about the management of soil nutrients. 


Soil tests provide information on fertilizer needs which help you save money and time as well as protect the environment from contaminated runoff from over-fertilization. 


Soil tests should be taken in the spring or fall for established sites and at any time of year for new seeding and plantings.  Taking a soil test every two to three years is usually adequate to monitor nutrient levels; however you may need to test more frequently if management practices change.  Samples should be taken before soil temperatures drop below 50 degrees.


Staff at the Conservation District will help you interpret the results of your test, which will include specific fertilizer recommendations for your crop. 


Click here for the Soil Testing Brochure Application with detailed instructions on collecting and submitting your soil sample



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1201 S. Gougar Rd

New Lenox, IL 60451

Phone +1 815.462.3106 x3

© 2022 Will/South Cook Soil & Water Conservation District

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